Saturday, December 6, 2008

Is it Christmas YET?

So, it's december 6th, and i was wearing shorts, t-shirt, and sunglasses the other day. . kinda miss the snow, but i can't complain too much!. . Last week i decided i wanted to put up some decorations, but there isn't room in my small bedroom, so i used my student gov't decorating skills combined with my mom's preschool crafts, and made my friends "assist" me in making some! lol

lol, the mistle toe above our door is one of my favorites!

As well as our massive tree! . . the gifts are from santa! . i also added some snowy mountains, a snow man, and shadow figures of breanne! haha! and i am just living to next sunday, when i get to come HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sweet Girl said...

One more week!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen better christmas decorations!! your mom must be sooo proud of you!! -really, I love it!!

Mel said...

LOL!! I knew all those endless hours making pointless posters would pay off somehow.

kelsie said...

the decor is awesome! We just started doing our decorations! Its fun... I used popcorn boxes to make a fireplace! I'll have to blog pictures!

Anonymous said...

You probably don't remember me but my name is uncle Sam and I'm your third most favorite uncle on your dad's side. Props to Cindy for dropping mad skillz in your genes. It just started snowing today in SL,UT. What do you want for Christmas?

By the way, that's in, C ya next week

Anonymous said...

if anyone bothers to pick you up and if anyone can remember where we moved to you might get to your supposedly "home". And if you can win a basketball game we might let you in, you know what i mean. if your only going to get a couple of minutes playing time, go out with all 5 fouls. show some inititive.